Archive for March, 2010

“The morning exercise!!

"The Morning Exercise..."

(Kym and I, in the morning session from a nomadic village of Bundi district, Rajasthan.)

After a long-awaited period, finally the moment has come when I am gonna hit the road once again, with my best friend Mitchell.  It really makes me excited to travel all arround on motorbike:)!

After a long time, tomorrow morning is gonna be the first morning on the High-ways of Gujarat… And we will be off for the first destination called Bhuj in Kutch region. 

In Kutch, we are gonna explore those untouched Tribal Settlements full of Rabari people!  I just found out that there is gonna be a traditional Rabari festival coming up on this Friday…:), lucky enough to be there on this festival!!

Anyways, I think I will have more to share with you once I get there…So, stay in touch for more updates.  B’coz it would be really exciting to share my experience from this festival!!

Hi, I am a freelance and informal Tribal Photo Assistant from Gujarat, India. I have worked with the professional photographers like Mitchell Kanashkevich (Australia), Laurent Auxietere(France), Maurizio Blasetti and Roberto(Italy), for the photographic projects on Indian tribal people and culture.

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